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Organize your GraphQL modules codebase and create a type safe environment in GraphQL resolvers

Let's create a type safe environment in GraphQL resolvers with GraphQL codegen and Typescript!

Table of contents


Before we get started, it’s high recommend to clone the Github repo and we can follow along with the article contents.

The first step after we downloaded the repo is to checkout the the starter folder and run npm install to install the necessary dependencies


Below are the directory of our start pack in this tutorial, where each modules have been organized in a different folder.

Our goal in this tutorial are:

  • Merge each of the resolvers and type-defs into modules/index.ts file
  • Generate the type for the resolvers to ensure it is type safe.

Organize resolvers and type-def

We would need install a few dependency to help us speed up the process, which are:

Here is the command snippet you can copy to install these dependencies: npm install @graphql-codegen/cli @graphql-codegen/typescript @graphql-codegen/typescript-resolvers -D

Once these packages are ready, we could then proceed to merge our GraphQL resolvers and type-defs under modules/index.ts file

import { mergeResolvers, mergeTypeDefs } from "@graphql-tools/merge";
import { makeExecutableSchema } from "@graphql-tools/schema";
import { sport } from "./sport";
import { user } from "./user";

const modules = [sport, user];

const resolvers = mergeResolvers(
  modules.flatMap((m) => (m.resolvers ? [m.resolvers] : []))

export const typeDefs = mergeTypeDefs( => m.typeDefs));

export const schema = makeExecutableSchema({

Then we could specified our schema into our GraphQL server under the index.ts file.

import { ApolloServer } from "apollo-server";
import { schema } from "src/modules";

const server = new ApolloServer({
  schema: schema,

server.listen().then(({ url }) => {
  console.log(`GRAPHQL server is running at ${url}`);


  1. If we take a look on one of the module index file, we are basically an object which contains it’s resolvers and typeDefs, we then import them into the module’s index file and start doing the merging process.
  2. As you can see, we have a filtering process when we are merging the resolvers by using flatMap to avoid any potential error if the resolver is not existed in any of the file.
  3. We can then merge our resolvers and type-defs by using mergeResolvers and mergeTypeDefs methods which then allows us to create our GraphQL schema by inputting these parameters and using makeExecutableSchema method.
  4. Once our schema is ready, we could then connect it into our GraphQL Apollo server which replaced the typeDefs and resolvers fields input.
  5. Now, we should we able to run our GraphQL server locally without getting any error.

Generate resolvers type

Before we start relying on GraphQL codegen to generate our GraphQL resolvers type, we would need to define some rules under the codegen.yml file. We can create a codegen.yml file in the root directory which parked under the same level of package.json, package-lock.json and tsconfig.json.

Here will be the content of our codegen.yml file:

schema: ./src/schema.ts
  - ts-node/register/transpile-only
  - tsconfig-paths/register
      - "@graphql-codegen/typescript"
      - "@graphql-codegen/typescript-resolvers"

We could also update our package.json file to include the code generator command:

    "scripts": {
        "prestart": "npm run codegen",
        "codegen": "graphql-codegen"


  1. We first need to specify the location of our entire typeDefs of each module which is stored under the schema.ts file.
  2. Adding dependencies into the require field is to make sure GraphQL codegen actually picks up these dependencies when generating the types. In this case, this is to avoid the Typescript path alias and import keyword issue.
    • Adding ts-node is for make sure it doesn’t get import issue when referring src/schema.ts as it’s the same directory level of graphql server (index.ts)
    • Adding tsconfig-paths/register to make sure the graphql-codegen doesn’t get path alias error when refering the src/modules/*/resolvers files
  3. We can then specified the location of type generated file which is /src/modules/schema.d.ts in this case under the generates field with the necessary plugins which are @graphql-codegen/typescript and @graphql-codegen/typescript-resolvers to support the Typescript in GraphQL resolvers.
  4. Adding codegen command in package.json allows us to generate our type in anytime when we ran this command, while adding prestart command is to make sure our Apollo GraphQL server retrieved the latest version of the Resolver type before the server got started.

Resolvers type verifications

Once the codegen command has been run successfully, you should able to see there is a file called schema.d.ts generated under the modules directory. We could then assign the resolver type in each of the modules. For example:


import { Sports } from 'src/data/initial';
import { Resolvers } from '../schema';

export const resolvers:Resolvers = {
  Query: {
  Mutation: {


import { Users } from 'src/data/initial';
import { Resolvers } from '../schema';

export const resolvers:Resolvers = {
  Query: {
  Mutation: {

Once we have defined our resolver type, we should immediately get a type error as the following: Types of property 'id' are incompatible. Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'

This is a advantage of using Typescript rather than Javascript to avoid any potential issue in the dev environment. The GraphQL ID type is refers to a STRING type but not a INTEGER type and the ID in our returned data is a INTEGER.

To solve this, we have prepared a new set of data where the id field is now in a STRING type. We could easily update our data directory from src/data/initial to src/data/final and it would resolve the issue

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